Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

The importance of today is not just about celebrating Earth Day, it's really about honoring our lovely planet and making sure to her keep her safe. We've gone as far as we could damaging the ozone layer, abusing our natural resources and polluting. It's a lot for Mother Earth to handle. It's time we give her a break by recycling, reusing and going green.

Win that war !

Happy Earth Day !

Here are some tips to go green, save money and win the war on Global Warming!

1. Install motion sensors on the light switches and use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
2. Turn off computers or put them to sleep mode when not ion use.
3. Make sure your home is tightly sealed by weatherstripping all the doors and windows.
4.Lower the heater temperature to 120degrees and chill on the AC.
5. Use water wisely, jump right in and get the job done.
6. Use warm or cool water when doing laundry and dishes.
7. Line dry your clothes.
8. Try to carpool as much as possible.
9. Make sure your car tires are well inflated, or you cold be losing miles per gallon.
10. And the one I follow to the heart vintage or resale.
This is a very cool way to conserve money and save trees.

Please do your part to save Mother Earth!